• 隐形人

  • 状态:26集全
  • 类型:动作 恐怖 惊悚 科幻
  • 主演:凯文·贝肯 伊丽莎白·苏 乔什·布洛林 金·迪肯斯 格雷戈·格伦伯格 罗娜·迈特拉
  • 年代:2000
  • 地区:美国

简介:Future Doctor Who sidekick Deborah Watling stars alongside the voice of Tim Turner in this story of a scientist who has inadvertently condemned himself to invisibility. Unlike the H G Wells original, the often-copied premise has the Invisible Man as a do-gooder who helps people out while searching for a cure. Fortunately the series has survived the ages and made it to DVD.

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